smartFIS needs to door for authorized persons only one fingerprint. Read the finger data, the so-called Minuzien, while the finger on the sensor is withdrawn. This procedure has to sensors, in which one finger only illustrate the advantage of a higher level of security. A reconstruction of the finger image from hinterlassenenen fingerprints is not possible.
smartFIS is modern in every respect privacy requirements. As a finger data will be stored only characteristic features from which no vice fingerprint can be reconstructed. The data are from different smartFIS and deciphered and are thus for individuals or other systems are not readable.
The entire technique of smartFIS is a timelessly elegant, high quality and robust housing in stainless steel and acrylic compound housed. By beads Radiation followed by electrical polishing the user interface is resistant to dirt and fingerprints. smartFIS is only 80 x 80 millimeters in size and is suitable for indoor and outdoor use. He is using an adapter usually switch to standard doses mounted, so that sufficient space for the few connections remain. A light blue stripes, with the help of internal LEDs through the acrylic on the wall is projected, supports the design quality. More LEDs give the user clear information about the operational status and identification.
The permanent ads can be off when needed. The development of smartFIS was amended by Innovationsfond of Lower Saxony and the ERDF Program of the EU. While the international trade fair Light + Building 2006 in Frankfurt, the international jury of the "Design Plus" competition smartFIS the first prize in the category of "home and building automation / Electrical Engineering" award.
Whether only a single door with a sensor or a complete industrial plant from unauthorized access is to be protected, smartFIS offers for every situation the best solution.
Just for home:
smartFIS requires only a power supply. After the electric door opener with the integrated circuit was connected contact is already smartFIS off. With the help of the I-buttons, you can now * - PC completely off - up to 100 teaching finger, the owner of a permanent access is granted.
SmartFIS is first installed, it can have a simple network cable to connect the PC to extensive configuration. These range from A to Z alarm mount as time create individual profiles. Another advantage is the teaching of fingers visualized for the highest possible safety recall.
For complex access management:
Its full capacity already deployed network smartFIS when it into a network structure involved. Both data and power supply are carried out by the same network cable. "Power over Ethernet (PoE) significantly reduces the installation cost. With the help of the network connection can access all data and settings of all smartFIS sensors in a single project centrally manage access. Each sensor is now up to 500 fingers to identify, for an even larger number of people smartFIS with the I-button * the possibility of verification. Remote control and remote switching contacts optional network relay and the query of additional tax receipts to open countless possibilities.